To my family...

This blog chronicles the life and times of 8 high school (and before) friends who beyond all odds are still friends even though they're at different colleges across the United States.
This was just an inspirational moment that I had and I thought it would make a pretty picture...
Just another random picture at the park...kinda sad that we didn't even get palm trees in the background.
Although slightly unusual, I found this picture intriguing because you can see both me and the water reflected in his glasses...
This would be Derek frantically vacuuming out the car...He says my side of the car is always dirtier than his, and we all know how spastic he can be about having a clean car...
This was when we were talking to Mark at the car wash...this was when Derek was cleaning all the windows with the Windex that he just whipped out of the trunk of his car...
Strange how happy he looks when washing his car...
This would be the one Valentine's picture that I have...It's of one of Derek's gifts to me.