Our blog!

This blog chronicles the life and times of 8 high school (and before) friends who beyond all odds are still friends even though they're at different colleges across the United States.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

only five and a half more weeks left...

So, I'm back in the sunny (but yet slightly chilly as of late) state of Florida, and have been since 12:09 this afternoon. I don't have my pictures from the break on my computer yet, so pictures of all my fun adventures won't be included in this posting, but hopefully in the next. Overall, spring break was fun, a little bit nippy, but yet enjoyable. For some reason, despite the fact that it is 8 p.m., noone is back in my unit yet. Although it is understandable to stay away from school for as long as possible before facing the inevitable and subjecting yourself to another 5 1/2 weeks of papers, tests, projects and presentations, and of course, then final exams. I've been enjoying the silence in my unit that is not going to occur again this year. So, I am going to have to post more soon, but I am completely exhausted and am ready to go to bed (this is a result of being up since 4:30 this morning because of a blasted 6:20 flight). Amazingly, we got to the gate this morning just as boarding began (this is a result of Derek and me being "randomly selected" to be searched, which the highlight of this was being able to sit down while they searched our bags while everyone else had to stand). We boarded, left 10 minutes late (making it around 6:30 a.m.) and although we were supposed to arrive around 8:30 in Atlanta, we somehow arrived 35 minutes early putting us in Atlanta at 7:55 a.m. This flight however, was probably the best one I've ever had, and they served me these little cracker/cookie things that I've never had before. I liked them and had ate both of mine before Derek even started on his. I tried to convince him to give me his because he wouldn't like them, but he refused and ate both of his without sharing. They also gave Derek a whole can of pop for his beverage instead of just that little cup that they normally give. Airlines must be getting generous these days. Then, we sat in Atlanta for 2 hours, and the flight that was supposed to leave at 10:38 ended up taking off the runway at about 11:25 due to late boarding and then being the "10th plane in line to take off, causing us about a 20-25 minute delay" in piloting terms. We were supposed to arrive in Tampa at 12:09 p.m. (who really comes up with these numbers, anyways??) and amazingly, at 12:09 p.m. our plane touched down on the runway after spending half the flight flying over the ocean, although Derek and I were not sure why. I spent my time in the air looking for whales in the ocean, but to no avail. So, on my flight up to Michigan, I discovered that they sometimes give you little goldfish crackers in a cute little bag that says "save the whales" and alas, they were whale goldfish crackers. But, I really enjoyed this snack and was hoping they would have it again, and as I boarded the plane to Tampa this afternoon, I saw a woman holding a bag of goldfish crackers, and I got so excited, but was so very disappointed when they gave me those cracker/cookie things again. Anyways, when the plane landed in Tampa, they pulled stairs up to the back of the plane and let us unload from both directions (front and back of the plane), so Derek and me being only 3 rows from the back, got out of the back of the plane, right onto the runways. This was a new experience to me. Did I mention how the plane suddenly dropped right after ascending into the air? Derek liked to make fun of me for a while for the look that I apparently had on my face after the plane dropped a little bit. Scared me half to death. Anyways, I really truly am tired and so I will post sometime this week. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a great Monday!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Jamie and Barker pics.

See what Barker and I resort to while you guys are all gone? lol

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Ahh...the chaos

So, only 12 more days until I am back in the wonderful state of Michigan, which by the way is supposed to get up to 59 degrees on Friday. 59! And you complain about it being cold! That's like a heat wave up there. Meanwhile, here it's in the high 70's and low 80's and is supposed to stay there for the next 10 days. However, while it is beautiful outside, I am stuck inside completing project after project and test after test for the next 12 days. For some reason, unknown for me, all of the education teachers decide to give you one project due before break, and then one more directly after, so for those ones of us who are diligent and don't want to do homework over our spring break, we must therefore complete ALL projects before spring break, which is what I have been striving to do. Unfortunately, it's harder than it seems, and after 3 hours of butt-numbing typing at Borders last night I have one more project done! Today's project consists of studying for a test that's tomorrow, reading a lot and then preparing for tomorrow's peer teaching in my social studies class about the continents. I even have an inflatable globe! For my art class I had to draw Derek, and so I took a picture of my drawing, but I'm going to have to post it later because I have to get some stuff done now, but I personally think that he looks like a chinese monk (well, not him personally, just my drawing of him). Anyways, I hope everyone has had a wonderful Sunday, and I will see you all soon!

Friday, March 03, 2006


Well it's probably going to be another long one to give you advanced warning:

My mom did have her surgery last week. Her doctors all agreed her cold wasnt bad enough to put off the surgery. She was in the hospital overnight. I brought her home last Saturday. She had a couple of complications but they seem to be clearing up and everything looks good now. I'm her official driver for a couple more weeks, which is an interesting change since I'm usually the one who is hates driving and is driven everywhere.

Of course at the same time this was happening my computer decided to die beyond repair so I had to go out shopping for another one. So Tuesday was crazy cuz I had to go to school in the AM then came home realized I forgot my purse at school so I drove back to school to get it then took my mom to her doctors appointment and then went to a few stores computer shopping. I found one at Best Buy so I bought that and took home half of it and installed that. I picked up the rest of it today and obviously got it operational b/c I'm online now. I was very proud of myself for doing it all alone :). I also sent my laptop off to be repaired, which I discovered is still under warranty so I wont have to pay a cent! That was a HUGE relief!

I had my second nursing test, which went okay. The class average was only like a 78. I did better than the average so I guess thats okay. It was a computer test, which is always harder than the paper ones.

Now I'm officially on spring break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm still stressin' cuz I just realized today that although i'm very excited about only having 63 days left till graduation that means I have to figure out where I want to work and start applying now and that also means I only have 63 days left to learn everything I have to know to not kill somebody. It's not a very comforting thought that at the ripe old age of 21 people will be putting their lives and thier children's lives in my hands! Thats a lot of responsibility! So I'll be spending most of my spring break writing a paper, reading, applying for jobs, and looking for a new place to live (thats another long story for another post).

Have a great weekend everybody!
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