Ahh...the chaos
So, only 12 more days until I am back in the wonderful state of Michigan, which by the way is supposed to get up to 59 degrees on Friday. 59! And you complain about it being cold! That's like a heat wave up there. Meanwhile, here it's in the high 70's and low 80's and is supposed to stay there for the next 10 days. However, while it is beautiful outside, I am stuck inside completing project after project and test after test for the next 12 days. For some reason, unknown for me, all of the education teachers decide to give you one project due before break, and then one more directly after, so for those ones of us who are diligent and don't want to do homework over our spring break, we must therefore complete ALL projects before spring break, which is what I have been striving to do. Unfortunately, it's harder than it seems, and after 3 hours of butt-numbing typing at Borders last night I have one more project done! Today's project consists of studying for a test that's tomorrow, reading a lot and then preparing for tomorrow's peer teaching in my social studies class about the continents. I even have an inflatable globe! For my art class I had to draw Derek, and so I took a picture of my drawing, but I'm going to have to post it later because I have to get some stuff done now, but I personally think that he looks like a chinese monk (well, not him personally, just my drawing of him). Anyways, I hope everyone has had a wonderful Sunday, and I will see you all soon!
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