Our blog!

This blog chronicles the life and times of 8 high school (and before) friends who beyond all odds are still friends even though they're at different colleges across the United States.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The glories of Michigan

Thursday was 57 degrees and then the very next day the temp. dropped 30 degrees and has been going down ever since.

The ICU wasn't too bad. I was able to give some shots and I had a crazy lady who kept trying to pull off her bipap and NG tube. And her rectal tube kept coming out and I got to put it back in (I know you all are really wanting to go into nursing about now). The crazy lady's grandson came to visit her. He was this big, tough bull riding cop all dressed up like a cowboy but when we started drawing his grandma's blood he turned gray and passed out cold on the floor! When he finally woke up he was still gray and started throwing up. We ended up having to take him to the ED. He was fine of course.

I ended up having to work all weekend so that was no fun. I don't even remember the last time I slept in! I went to bed at 7:30 last night I was so warn out! Thats pretty pathetic! So I got about 9 hours of sleep so that compensated a little bit for not being able to sleep in. This week at work has actually been kinda fun. It's RSV season so we have tons of little babies w/ RSV. One was only 2 weeks old! Wearing masks all the time gets old but thats okay it's better that getting RSV. While I was suctining a trach I got some lovely trach secretions in my eye so I had to flush my eye with saline for like 10 min. Mental note: always wear a mask when suctioning a trach. It's what they teach you in school but nobody actually does it in the real world.

Anyway... that was WAY too long so enought for now. Have a good week!!!


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