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This blog chronicles the life and times of 8 high school (and before) friends who beyond all odds are still friends even though they're at different colleges across the United States.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Hello everybody! My Valentine's Day was pretty good...although Barker only sent me an ecard :(. j/k Barker, thanks :)! I went to school and got candy. A guy in my class asked me to be his Valentine (he's very persistent I'll give him that). And then I came home and my mom got me candy, and my dad got me a nurse's calendar. Jan. 5th on the calendar was my favorite it said, "Nursing is a kind, compassionate, and caring profession. Nursing school is cruel and unusual punishment." At least I know I'm not the only one whose thought that! lol. Today is soooooo nice cuz I'm in ICU for clinical this week, which means I didn't have to go to the hospital to get my patient information today and then write a careplan. So that gives me at least 7 hours free today that I normally wouldn't have. I thought I'd spend that time catching up on my reading but I fell asleep for about an hour and a half. I guess thats about it! Pray for me in ICU tomorrow and Friday. The ICU is scary, I'd take the ER over it any day! I don't like people on vents! Happy Belated Valentine's Day!!!!! oh... and 79 days till GRADUATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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