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This blog chronicles the life and times of 8 high school (and before) friends who beyond all odds are still friends even though they're at different colleges across the United States.

Friday, February 10, 2006

still waiting for my weekend...

Well I still have 15 days to go till I get to sleep in... I swear the weeks all run together because there is no end to them! Here is my usual schedule:

Monday: Wake up at 7:30 go to school and get home around 12:30.
Tuesday: Wake up at 7:30 go to class and get home at 12:30.
Wednesday: Wake up at 7:30 go to class. Leave class at 11 go straight to the hospital to get my patient assignment, which usually takes an hour or two. Come home write a 16 page paper about that patient(s) that I was assigned that is due at 7am the next morning. If I finish my paper in time, I help out at AWANA.
Thursday: Wake up between 5 and 5:30 go to clinical and get home around 2 and finish my careplan.
Friday: Wake up b/w 5 and 5:30 again go to clinical and come home at 2.
Saturday: Wake up at 5 go to work for 8-12 hours.
Sunday: Very rarely I have to wake up at 5 again to go to work but usually I'm up at 7:30 for church and then at church again at 6.
Of course in all of the "free time" there are books to read, papers to write, and notes to study. I just keep thinking 84 days till graduation!!! So pray I survive till the 25th when there is no work, school, or church to wake up early for :).


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