I didn't feel like going to the bar with the majority of my class so Bryan, Barker, and Eric came over for smores and a movie.

Celebrating with sparkling grape juice

Smore making at my house after graduation
So graduation week was a ton of fun. We celebrated the entire week, even before we took our final exam. Monday we went to Pizza Hut, Tuesday was our final and then we went to Pete's Garage... no I didnt drink for those wondering... Wednesday was our cap making party, Thursday was chinese, and Friday, of course, was graduation! Our entire class passed, which was a relief since 1/3 of last years students flunked out and we were all pretty nervous. I did terrible on the final but still good enough to end with a B in the class. In my other nursing class I didnt even need to take the final to get an A. I have a job interview on Tuesday so pray for me!