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This blog chronicles the life and times of 8 high school (and before) friends who beyond all odds are still friends even though they're at different colleges across the United States.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Easter Break, Part II

Here are the rest of the pictures that it wouldn't let me post the other night. Hope you enjoy them!

This is Derek and me when we first arrived at Downtown Disney. This picture was taken right next to the bathrooms.

This is Derek and Mark in the water. They seem slightly confused.

Here, Derek is poking at a horseshoe crab which were out in abundance when we went to the park.

I was informed that this was a "guy picture" and that I had to take the picture.

This was our lunch outing to Checkers. I just thought this was a funny picture.

We're in the car on the way to the Ellenton Outlets here. I wasn't upset...I just look it. Then again, so does Derek.

We went to the beach...

However, there was really no parking within like 3 miles of the beach, so we kept driving and this is what we found...another beach!

I don't really know...

Hope you're having a great week! It's halfway through!


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